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Journal Articles
- Dillon, J.W., R.L. Lawrence, and K.D. Hammonds. 2023. Determining the flow state of channels under vegetation with airborne lidar. Water Resources Research 59:e2022WR033071.
- Carroll, K., R. Inman, A. Hansen, R. Lawrence, and K.M. Barnett. 2021. A framework for collaborative wolverine connectivity conservation. iScience 24:102840.
- Carroll, K., A., Hansen, R. Inman, R. Lawrence, and A. Hoegh. 2021. Evaluating the importance of wolverine habitat predictors using machine learning methods. Journal of Mammalogy 102(6):1466–1472.
- Carroll, K., A. Hansen, R. Inman, R. Lawrence, and A. Hoegh. 2020. Testing landscape resistance layers and modelling connectivity for wolverines in the western United States. Global Ecology and Conservation 23:e01125.
- Botto Nuñez, G., D.J. Becker, R.L. Lawrence, and R.K. Plowright. 2020. Synergistic effects of grassland fragmentation and temperature on bovine rabies emergence. EcoHealth
- Holbrook, J.D., J.R. Squires, B. Bollenbacher, R. Graham, L.E. Olson, S. Jackson, R.L. Lawrence, and S.L. Savage. 2019. Management of forests and forest carnivores: relating landscape mosaics to habitat quality of Canada lynx at their range periphery. Forest Ecology and Management 437:411-425.
- Bode, E., R. Lawrence, S. Powell, S. Savage, and A. Trowbridge. 2018. A time-series approach for mapping mountain pine beetle infestation extent and severity in the U.S. Central Rocky Mountains. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 12(4):046030.
- Holbrook, J.D., J.R. Squires, B. Bollenbacher, R. Graham, L.E. Olson, G. Hanvey, S. Jackson, and R.L. Lawrence. 2018. Spatio-temporal responses of Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis) to silvicultural treatments in the Northern Rockies, U.S. Forest Ecology and Management 422:114-124.
- Savage, S.L., R.L. Lawrence, J.R. Squires, J.D. Holbrook, L.E. Olson, J. Braaten, and W. Cohen. 2018. Shifts in forest structure in northwest Montana over 44 years using the entire Landsat archive length time series from MSS to OLI. Forests 9:157.
- Morin, M., R. Lawrence, K. Repasky, T. Sterling, C. McCann, and S. Powell. 2017. Agreement analysis and spatial sensitivity of multispectral and hyperspectral sensors in detecting vegetation stress at management scales. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 11:046025.
- Holbrook, J., J. Squires, L. Olson, N. Decesara, and R. Lawrence. 2017. Understanding and predicting habitat for wildlife conservation: The case of Canada lynx at the range periphery. Ecosphere 8:1-25.
- McCann, C., K.S. Repasky, M. Morin, R.L. Lawrence, and S. Powell. 2017. Novel histogram based unsupervised classification technique to determine natural classes from biophysically relevant fit parameters to hyperspectral data. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing 10:4138-4148.
- McCann, C., K.S. Repasky, M. Morin, R.L. Lawrence, and S. Powell. 2017. Using Landsat surface reflectance data as a reference target for multi-swath hyperspectral data collected over mixed agricultural rangeland areas. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 55:5002-5014.
- McCann, C., K.S. Repasky, R.L. Lawrence, and S. Powell. 2017. Multi-Temporal mesoscale hyperspectral data of mixed agricultural and grassland regions for anomaly detection. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 131:121-133.
- Young, N., R. Anderson, S. Chignell, A. Vorster, R. Lawrence, and P. Evangelista. 2017. A survival guide to Landsat preprocessing. Ecology 98:920-932.
- Savage, S., R. Lawrence, and J. Squires. 2017. Mapping post-disturbance forest landscape composition with Landsat satellite imagery. Forest Ecology and Management 399:9-23.
- Holbrook, J., J. Squires, L.E. Olson, R. Lawrence, and S. Savage. 2016. Multi-scale habitat relationships of showshoe hares (Lepus americanus) in the Northern Rockies, USA: Implications for forest management. Ecology and Evolution 2016:1-20.
- Garroutte, E., A. Hansen, and R. Lawrence. 2016. Using NDVI and EVI to map spatiotemporal variation in the biomass and quality of forage for migratory elk in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. Remote Sensing 8:404.
- Long, J., and R.L. Lawrence. 2016. Mapping Percent tree mortality due to mountain pine beetle damage. Forest Science 62:392-402.
- Savage, S.L., R.L. Lawrence, and J.R. Squires. 2015. Predicting relative species composition within mixed conifer forest pixels using zero-inflated models and Landsat imagery. Remote Sensing of Environment 171:326-336.
- Lawrence, R.L., and C.J. Moran. 2015. The AmericaView classification methods accuracy comparison project: A rigorous approach for model selection. Remote Sensing of Environment 170:115-120.
- Bellante, G.J., S.L. Powell, R.L. Lawrence, K.S. Repasky, T.A.O. Dougher. 2014. Hyperspectral Detection of a subsurface CO2 Leak in the Presence of Water Stressed Vegetation. PLoS ONE 9(10):e10829.
- Long, J.A., R.L. Lawrence, P.R. Miller, L.A. Marshall, and M.C. Greenwood. 2014. Adoption of cropping sequences in northeast Montana: A spatiotemporal analysis. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 197:77-87.
- Long, J.A., R.L. Lawrence, P.R. Miller, and L.A. Marshall. 2014. Changes in Field-Level Cropping Sequences: Indicators of Shifting Agricultural Practices. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 189:11-20.
- Porter, T.F., C. Chen, J.A. Long, R.L. Lawrence, and B.F. Sowell. 2014. Estimating biomass on CRP pastureland: A comparison of remote sensing techniques. Biomass and Bioenergy 66:268-274.
- Olexa, E.M., and R.L. Lawrence. 2014. Performance and effects of land cover type on synthetic surface reflectance data and NDVI estimates for assessment and monitoring of semi-arid rangeland. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 30:30-41.
- Johnson, J.E., J.A. Shaw, R.L. Lawrence, P.W. Nugent, J.A. Hogan, L.M. Dobeck, and L.H. Spangler. 2014. Comparison of long-wave infrared imaging and visible/near-infrared imaging of vegetation for detecting leaking CO2 gas. IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing 7:1-7.
- Vsevolozhskaya, O.A., M.A. Greenwood, G.J. Bellante, S.L. Powell, R.L. Lawrence, and K.S. Repasky. 2013. Combining functions and the closure principle for performing follow-up tests in functional analysis of variance. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 67:175-184.
- Long J.A., R.L. Lawrence, M.C. Greenwood, L. Marshall, and P.R. Miller. 2013. Object-oriented crop classification using multitemporal ETM+ SLC-off imagery and random forest. GIScience & Remote Sensing 50:418-436.
- Lawrence, R.L., and J. Jewett. 2013. Remote sensing reveals relationships among whitebark pine, bark beetles and climate variability, pp. 66-67 in R.L. Dodge and R.G. Congalton, Meeting Environmental Challenges with Remote Sensing Imagery, American Geosciences Institute, Alexandria, VA.
- Bellante, G.J., S.L. Powell, R.L. Lawrence, K.S. Repasky, T.A.O. Dougher. 2013. Aerial detection of a simulated CO2 leak from a geologic sequestration site using hyperspectral imagery. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 13:124-137.
- Johnson, J.E., J.A. Shaw, R. Lawrence, P.W. Nugent, L.M. Dobeck, and L.H. Spangler. 2012. Long-wave infrared imaging of vegetation for detecting leaking CO2 gas. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 6:063612-1-9.
- Hogan, J.A., J.A. Shaw, and R.L. Lawrence. 2012. Detection of leaking CO2gas with vegetation reflectances measured by a low-cost multi-spectral imager. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing 5:699-706.
- Savage, S., R. Lawrence, S. Custer, J. Jewett, S. Powell, and J. Shaw. 2012. Analyzing change in Yellowstone’s terrestrial emittance with Landsat imagery. GIScience and Remote Sensing 49:317-345.
- Hogan, J.A., J.A. Shaw, R.L. Lawrence, and R.M. Larimer. 2012. Low-cost multispectral imaging system for detecting leaking CO2 gas. Applied Optics51:A59-A66.
- Baril, L.M., A.J. Hansen, R. Renkin, and R.L. Lawrence, 2011. Bird response to increased willow (Salix spp.) growth in Yellowstone's Northern Range Ecological Applications 21:2283-2296.
- Landenberger, R., M. Patterson, R. Sivanpillai, and R. Lawrence, 2011. AmericaView: Promoting remote sensing science and technology through cooperative partnerships. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing77:969-974.
- Jewett, J., R. Lawrence, L. Marshall, P. Gessler, S. Powell, and S. Savage. 2011. Spatiotemporal relationships between climate and whitebark pine mortality in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. Forest Science 57:320-335.
- Campos, J., R. Lawrence, B. McGlynn, and K. Gardner. 2011. Using Quickbird and Landsat imagery to analyze temporal changes in mountain resort development: Big Sky, Montana 1990-2005. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 5:053541.
- Watts, J.D., R.L. Lawrence, P.R. Miller, and C. Montagne, 2011. An estimation of soil carbon sequestration resulting from no-till, cropping intensity, and conservation reserve practices with north central Montana. Climate Change 108:301-331.
- Savage, S., R. Lawrence, S. Custer, J. Jewett, S. Powell, and J. Shaw. 2010. Review of alternative methods for estimating terrestrial emittance and geothermal heat flux for Yellowstone National Park using Landsat imagery. GIScience and Remote Sensing 47:460-479.
- Watts, J.D., S.L. Powell, R.L. Lawrence, and T. Hilker. 2010. Conservation tillage classification through Random Forest analyses using high temporal Landsat, MODIS, and STARFM-derived synthetic Landsat imagery. Remote Sensing of Environment 115:66-75.
- Campos, N., R. Lawrence, B. McGlynn, and K. Gardner, 2010. Effects of LiDAR-Quickbird Fusion on Object-oriented classification of Mountain Resort Development. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 4:043556.
- Powell, S.L., R.L. Lawrence, C. Sommers Austin, and S. Driscoll, 2010. A flexible approach to help overcome limitation of moderate resolution satellite imagery for mapping invasive saltcedar on the Bighorn River, Montana. Journal of Terrestrial Observation 2(2):4.
- Savage, S., and R. Lawrence, 2010. Vegetation dynamics in Yellowstone’s northern range: 1985-1999. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing76:547-556.
- Rouse, J.H., J.A. Shaw, R.L. Lawrence, J.L. Lewicki, L.M. Dobeck, K.S. Repasky, and L.H. Spangler, 2010. Multi-spectral imaging of vegetation for detecting CO2 leaking from underground. Environmental Earth Sciences60:313-323.
- Keith, C.J., K.S. Repasky, R.L. Lawrence, S.C. Jay, and J.L. Carlsten, 2009. Monitoring effects of a controlled subsurface carbon dioxide release on vegetation using a hyperspectral imager. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 3:626-632.
- Watts, J.D., R.L. Lawrence, P.R. Miller, and C. Montagne, 2009. Monitoring of cropland practices for carbon sequestration purposes in north central Montana using Landsat imagery. Remote Sensing of Environment 113:1843–1852.
- Legleiter, C., D. Roberts, and R. Lawrence, 2009. Validation and optimization of a spectrally-based algorithm for passive optical remote sensing of gravel-bed river bathymetry. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 34:1039-1059.
- Sankey, J.B., D.J. Brown, M.L. Bernard, and R.L. Lawrence, 2008. Comparing local vs. global visible and near-infrared (VisNIR) diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS) calibrations for the prediction of soil clay, organic C and inorganic C. Geoderma 148:149-158.
- Landenburger, L., R.L. Lawrence, S. Podruzny, and C.C. Schwartz, 2008. Mapping regional distribution of a single tree species: Whitebark pine in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. Sensors 8:4983-4994.
- Sankey, J.B., R.L. Lawrence, and J.M. Wraith, 2008. Ad hoc modeling of root zone soil water with Landsat imagery and terrain and soils data. Sensors8:314-326.
- Baker, C., R. Lawrence, C. Montagne, and D. Patten, 2007. Change detection of wetland and riparian ecosystems using change vector analysis. Wetlands27:610-619.
- Maynard, C.L., R.L. Lawrence, G.A. Nielsen, and G. Decker, 2007. Ecological site descriptions and remotely sensed imagery as a tool for rangeland evaluation. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 33:109-115.
- Maynard, C.L., R.L. Lawrence, G.A. Nielsen, and G. Decker, 2007. Modeling vegetation amount using bandwise regression and ecological range units as an alternative to vegetation indices. GIScience & Remote Sensing 44:68-81.
- Bricklemyer, R.S., R.L. Lawrence, P.R. Miller, and N. Battogtokh, 2007. Monitoring and verifying agricultural practices related to soil carbon sequestration. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 118:201-210.
- Tsagaan Sankey, T., C. Montagne, L. Graumlich, R. Lawrence, and J. Nielsen, 2006. 20th Century forest-grassland ecotone shift in Montana under differing livestock grazing pressure. Forest Ecology and Management 234:282-292.
- Tsagaan Sankey, T., C. Montagne, L. Graumlich, R. Lawrence, and J. Nielsen, 2006. 20th Century forest-grassland ecotone shift and livestock herbivory effects in northern Mongolia. Forest Ecology and Management 233:36-44.
- Baker, C., R. Lawrence, C. Montagne, and D. Patten, 2006. Mapping wetlands and riparian areas using Landsat ETM+ imagery and decision tree-based models. Wetlands 26:465-474.
- Cobb, M.A., P.J.P. Gogan, K.D. Kozie, E.M. Olexa, R.L. Lawrence, and W.T. Route, 2006. Home range characteristics of moose and white-tailed deer in Voyageurs National Park, Minnesota. Alces 40:169-192.
- Bricklemyer, R.S., R.L. Lawrence, P.R. Miller, and N. Battogtokh, 2006. Predicting tillage practices and agricultural soil disturbance in north central Montana with Landsat imagery. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment114:210-216.
- Lawrence, R.L., R. Hurst, T. Weaver, and R. Aspinall, 2006. Mapping prairie pothole communities with multitemporal IKONOS satellite imagery. Photogrammetic Engineering & Remote Sensing 72:169-174.
- Lawrence, R.L., S. Wood, and R. Sheley, 2006. Mapping invasive plants using hyperspectral imagery and Breiman Cutler classifications (randomForest). Remote Sensing of Environment 100:356-362.
- Zambon, M., R.L. Lawrence, A. Bunn, and S. Powell, 2006. Effect of alternative splitting rules on image processing using classification tree analysis. Photogrammetic Engineering & Remote Sensing 72:25-30.
- Roberts, E.A., R.L. Sheley, and R.L. Lawrence, 2004. Using sampling and inverse distance weighted modeling for mapping invasive plants. Western North American Naturalist 64:312-323.
- Lawrence, R. L., A. Bunn, S. Powell, and M. Zambon, 2004. Classification of remotely sensed imagery using stochastic gradient boosting as a refinement of classification tree analysis. Remote Sensing of Environment 90:331-336.
- Bunn, A.G., R.L. Lawrence, G.J. Bellante, L.A. Waggoner, and L.J. Graumlich, 2003. Spatial variation in distribution and growth patterns of old growth strip-bark pines. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 35:323-330.
- Lawrence, R.L., and M.A. Labus, 2003. Early detection of Douglas-fir beetle infestation with sub-canopy resolution hyperspectral imagery. Western Journal of Applied Forestry 18:202-206.
- Legleiter, C., R.L. Lawrence, M. Fonstad, W.A. Marcus, and R. Aspinall, 2003. Fluvial response a decade after wildfire in the northern Yellowstone ecosystem: a spatially explicit analysis. Geomorphology 54:119-136.
- Parmenter, A.W., A. Hansen, R. Kennedy, W. Cohen, U. Langner, R. Lawrence, B. Maxwell, A. Gallant, and R. Aspinall, 2003. Land use and land cover change in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem: 1975-1995. Ecological Applications 13:687-703.
- Bricklemyer, R.S., R.L. Lawrence, and P.R. Miller, 2002. Documenting no-till and conventional till practices using Landsat ETM+ imagery and logistic regression. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 57:267-271.
- Hansen, A.J., R. Rasker, B. Maxwell, J.J. Rotella, J.D. Johnson, A. Wright Parmenter, U. Langner, W.B. Cohen, R.L. Lawrence, and M.P.V. Kraska, 2002. Ecological causes and consequences of demographic change in the New West. BioScience 52:151-162.
- Kozar, B., R. Lawrence, and D. Long, 2002. Soil phosphorous and potassium mapping using a spatial correlation model incorporating terrain slope gradient. Precision Agriculture 3:407-417.
- Labus, M.P., G.A. Nielsen, R.L. Lawrence, R. Engel, and D.S. Long. 2002. Wheat yield estimates using multi-temporal NDVI satellite imagery.International Journal of Remote Sensing 23:4169-4180.
- Legleiter, C., W.A. Marcus, and R.L. Lawrence, 2002. Effects of sensor resolution on mapping in-stream habitats. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 68:801-807.
- McConnell, J.T., P.R. Miller, R.L. Lawrence, R. Engel, and G.A. Nielsen, 2002. Management of nitrogen nutrition of field pea and chickpea with spectral reflectance. Canadian Journal of Plant Science 82:273-282.
- Lawrence, R.L., and D.A. Deagen. 2001. Choosing public participation methods for natural resources: A context specific guide. Society & Natural Resources 14:859-874.
- Lawrence, R.L., and A. Wright. 2001. Rule-based classification systems using classification and regression tree (CART) analysis. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 67:1137-1142.
- Lawrence, R.L., and W.J. Ripple. 2000. Fifteen years of revegetation of Mount St. Helens: A landscape-scale analysis. Ecology 81:2742-2752.
- Lawrence, R.L., and W.J. Ripple. 1999. Calculating change curves for multitemporal satellite imagery: Mount St. Helens 1980-1995. Remote Sensing of Environment 67:309-319.
- Lawrence, R.L., and W.J. Ripple. 1998. Comparison among Vegetation Indices and Bandwise Regression in a Highly Disturbed, Heterogeneous Landscape: Mount St. Helens, Washington. Remote Sensing of Environment 64:91-102.
- Lawrence, R.L., S.E. Daniels, and G.W. Stankey. 1997. Procedural justice and public involvement in natural resource decision making. Society and Natural Resources 10:577-589.
- Lawrence, R.L., and S.E. Daniels. 1996. Public Involvement in Natural Resource Decision Making: Goals, Methodology, and Evaluation. Papers in Forest Policy 3. Corvallis: Forest Research Laboratory. Oregon State University. 49 p.
- Daniels, S.E., R.L. Lawrence, and R.J. Alig. 1996. Decision-Making and Ecosystem-Based Management: Applying the Vroom-Yetton Model to Public Participation Strategy. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 16:13-30.
- Lawrence, R.L., J.E. Means, and W.J. Ripple. 1996. An automated method for digitizing color thematic maps. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 62:1245-1248.
- Lawrence, R.L., and W.J. Ripple. 1996. Determining patch perimeters in raster image processing and geographic information systems. International Journal of Remote Sensing 17:1255-1259.
Book Chapters
- Sergio Bernardes, Marguerite Madden, Ike Astuti, Sergio Bernardes, Emilio Chuvieco, David Cotten, Philip E. Dennison, Iryna Dronova, Ioannis Gitas, Peng Gong, Belen Franch-Gras, Matt Hancher, Akira Hirano, Allison Howard, Xuefei Hu, Alfredo Huete, Thomas Jordan, Chris Justice, Rick L. Lawrence, Linlin Lu, Marguerite Madden, Deepak R. Mishra, Sachidananda Mishra, Tomoaki Miura, Giorgos Mountrakis, Mahesh Pal, Caren Remillard, Dar A. Roberts, Jean-Claude Roger, Kunwar K. Singh, Ben Somers, Dimitris Stavrakoudis, Wanxiao Sun, Guoqing Sun, David Thau, Laurent Tits, E. Lynn Usery, Eric Vermote, Cuizhen Wang, Mingshu Wang, Qihao Weng, Wenjing Xu, Tian Yao, Hiroki Yoshioka, Lei Zhang, Qingyuan Zhang and Zhi Zhang. 2020. Chapter 7: Image Processing and Analysis Methods, in Manual of Remote Sensing, 4th edition, S. Morain, M. Renslow, and A . Budge, eds., American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.
- Seielstad, G.A., D.E. Clay, K. Dalsted, R.L. Lawrence, D.R. Olsen, and Z. Zhang, 2010. Providing Precision Crop and Range Protection in the U.S. Northern Great Plains, pp. 367-384 in Precision Crop Protection--the Challenge and Use of Heterogeneity, E. Oerke, R. Gerhards, G. Menz, and R Sikora, editors. Springer Verlag, New York.
- Lawrence, R., 2005. Remote sensing of vegetation responses during the first 20 years following the eruptions of Mount St. Helens: A spatially and temporally stratified analysis. In V. H. Dale, F. Swanson, and C. Crisafulli, eds., Ecological Recovery of Mount St. Helens after the 1980 Eruptions.
Conference Proceedings
- Dillon, J.W., R.L. Lawrence, and K.D. Hammonds. 2020. A Relatively Simple Method for Extracting Wet Channels under Canopy from Spatial and Spectral LiDAR Data. AGU Fall Meeting, Online, 1-17 December 2020.
- Savage, S., and R.L. Lawrence. 2017. A 44-Year Time Series of Forest Structure in Northwestern Montana Using the Entire Lansat Archive Length from MSS to OLI (M2O). Pecora 20, Souix Falls, South Dakota, 13-16 November 2017.
- Lawrence, R., and N. French. 2017. Elicitation of State and Local User Needs for Future Moderate Resolution Earth Observations: The AmericaView Contribution. American Geophysical Union 2017 Fall Meeting. New Orleans, Louisiana, 11-15 December 2017.
- Holbrook, J., J. Squires, L. Olson, N. DeCesare, and R. Lawrence. 2017. Understanding and predicting habitat for Canada lynx conservation at the range periphery. American Society of Mammalogists, Moscow, Idaho, June 20-24
- Lawrence, R. 2017. AmericaView Update. Landsat Science Team Meeting, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, 11-13 July 2017.
- Lawrence, R. 2017. Remote Sensing Applications in Montana – A Sampling. Watershed-to-Wetlands Institute, Pablo, Montana, 19-22 June 2017.
- Lawrence, R. 2017. Rigorous Comparison Of Diverse Classification Algorithms: The ACMAC Project Revisited. 37th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment, Tshwane, South Africa, 8-12 May 2017.
- Savage, S., and R. Lawrence. 2017. Shifts in forest structure in northwest Montana over 44 years using the entire Landsat archive length time series from MSS to OLI (M2O). AmericaView Winter Business Meeting, Reston, Virginia, 3-4 April 2017.
- Lawrence, R. 2017. AmericaView: Landsat 10 and ACMAC. Landsat Science Team Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, 10-12 January 2017.
- Lawrence, R. 2017. AmericaView Classification Methods Accuracy Comparison Project – Revisited. AmericaView Fall Technical Meeting, Lafayette, Louisiana, 17-19 October 2017.
- Lawrence, R., Savage, S., Long, J., Bode, E., Squires, J., Olson, L. 2016. Beyond Forest Classification: Continuous Mapping of Forest Species Composition, Mortality, and Sub-Canopy Using Landsat Imagery and Agnostic Analysis, American Geophysical Union, Annual Meeting, San Francisco, 12-16 December 2016.
- Lawrence, R. 2016. Landsat and Sentinel 2 Updates. AmericaView Winter Business Meeting, Reston, Virginia, 29 February - 1 March 2016.
- Lawrence, R., 2016. AmericaView 2016 Update, Landsat Science Team meeting, Brookings, South Dakota, 26-28 July 2016.
- Lawrence, R., and C. Moran. 2015. Which Classification Method Is Best? An Infrastructure for Rigorous Comparisons of Classification Algorithms. 36th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment. 13 May 2015. Berlin, Germany.
- Long, J., and R. Lawrence. 2015. Mapping Percent Tree-Mortality Due to Mountain Pine Bark Beetle-Damage. American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Annual Conference, 4 May 2015. Tampa, FL.
- Long, J., R. Lawrence, P. Miller, M. Greenwood, and L. Marshall. 2014. Using genetic sequencing algorithms and object-oriented multitemporal satellite images analysis for long-term change characterization. William T. Pecora Memorial Remote Sensing Symposium. 17-20 November 2014. Denver, CO.
- Savage, S., Lawrence, R., Squires, J. (2014). Zero-inflated methods for estimating percent canopy cover in Montana lynx habitat using Landsat 5 and 8 imagery. William T. Pecora Memorial Remote Sensing Symposium. 17-20 November 2014. Denver, CO.
- Long, J., and R. Lawrence. 2014. Adoption of cropping sequences in Northeast Montana: A spatio-temporal analysis, Intermountain GIS Conference, Montana Association of Geographic Information Professionals, April 8, 2014, Billings, Montana.
- Lawrence, R. 2014. AmericaView Classification Methods Accuracy Comparison Project (ACMAC), American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Annual Conference, March 26, 2014, Louisville, Kentucky.
- Savage, S., R. Lawrence, and J. Squires. 2014. Analyzing 40 Years of Change in Lynx Habitat Using Three Landsat Sensors and Historical Disturbance Data, American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Annual Conference, March 25, 2014, Louisville, Kentucky.
- Long, J., R. Lawrence, L. Marshall, and P. Miller. 2014. Applying String Matching Algorithms to Multi-Temporal Satellite Imagery to Identify Crop Rotation Patterns, American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Annual Conference, March 25, 2014, Louisville, Kentucky.
- Repasky, K.S., W. Johnson, B. Soukup, J.L. Carlsten, R. Lawrence, and S. Powell. 2013. Optical Tools and Techniques for Large Area Surface Monitoring of Carbon Sequestration Sites. Optical Society of America Annual Meeting, Honolulu, HI.
- Bellante, G., S. Powell, R. Lawrence, K. Repasky, and T. Dougher. 2013. Hyperspectral Remote Sensing as a Monitoring Tool for Geologic Carbon Sequestration. American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2013 Annual Conference, Baltimore, MD.
- Porter, T., C. Chen, R. Lawrence, and B. Sowell. 2012. Comparison of three remote sensing methods to predict above ground plant biomass production, Sun Grant Initiative 2012 National Conference, 2-5 October 2012, New Orleans, LA.
- Olexa, E., and R. Lawrence, 2012. Synthetic Satellite Imagery- A New Tool for Longterm and Effectiveness Monitoring of Habitat Treatments. Wyoming Landscape 15 Conservation Initiative 2012 Science Workshop, 15-17 May 2012, Rock Springs, WY.
- Bellante, G. J., S.L. Powell, R.L. Lawrence, K.S. Repasky, and T. Dougher. 2012. Hyperspectral Remote Sensing as a Monitoring Tool for Geologic Carbon Sequestration, AmericaView Fall Technical Meeting, September 24-26, 2012, Sioux Falls, South Dakota
- Bellante, G., S. Powell, R. Lawrence, K. Repasky, and T. Dougher, 2010. Hyperspectral imaging for large-area monitoring of carbon dioxide geologic sequestration sites, IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 25-30 July 2010, Honolulu, HI.
- Jay, S., R. Lawrence, K. Repasky, and L. Rew, 2010. Detection of leafy spurge using hyper-spectral-spatial-temporal imagery, IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 25-30 July 2010, Honolulu, HI.
- Jay, S., R. Lawrence, K. Repasky, and C. Keith, 2009. Invasive species mapping using low cost hyperspectral imagery, American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 2009 Annual Conference. 9 - 13 March 2009. Baltimore, MD.
- Lawrence, R., C. Baker, F. Dougher, R. Engel, B. Olsen, L. Rew, A. Smith, and X. Zhang, 2009. AgCam Science Applications Team: Remote sensing from the International Space Station, ISRSE 2009 Proceedings, May 4-8, 2009, Stresa, Italy.
- Jewett, J., and R.L. Lawrence. 2008. Mapping changes in whitebark pine distribution in the Northern Rockies using Landsat. 2008 Intermountain GIS Conference. 7 - 11 April 2008 Missoula, MT.
- Campos, N., and R.L. Lawrence. 2008. The effects of image fusion on object-oriented classification. 2008 Intermountain GIS Conference. 7 - 11 April 2008 Missoula, MT.
- Watts, J.D., and R.L. Lawrence. 2008. Estimating cropland carbon sequestration potential: A meta-analytical approach aided by satellite image analysis. 2008 Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers. 15-19 April 2008. Boston, MA.
- Jewett, J., and R.L. Lawrence. 2008. Changes in whitebark pine distribution in the Northern Rockies: 1984 – 2002. The 17th William T. Pecora Memorial Remote Sensing Symposium. 16-20 November 2008. Denver, CO.
- Savage, S., R.L. Lawrence, and S. Custer. 2008. Yellowstone’s geothermal areas: Mapping changes in radiative flux. The 17th William T. Pecora Memorial Remote Sensing Symposium. 16-20 November 2008. Denver, CO.
- Lawrence, R.L. 2008. Monitoring vegetation using satellite and airborne imagery: Recent developments related to whitebark pine decline, long-term change detection for wetlands and rangelands, and invasive species. Fifth Montana Plant Conservation Conference. 27 February 2008. Bozeman, MT.
- Jewett, J., and R.L. Lawrence. 2008. Mapping Changes in Whitebark Pine Distribution in the Northern Rockies: 1984 – 2002. American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 2008 Annual Conference. 28 April – 2 May 2008. Portland, OR.
- Watts, J.D., and R.L. Lawrence. 2008. The Object-oriented Analysis of Agricultural Practices for Carbon Sequestration Purposes in North Central Montana. American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 2008 Annual Conference. 28 April – 2 May 2008. Portland, OR.
- Campos, N., R.L. Lawrence, and B. McGlynn. 2008. Land Use and Land Cover Patterns of Mountain Resort Development in Big Sky, Montana. American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 2008 Annual Conference. 28 April – 2 May 2008. Portland, OR.
- Watts, J., and R.L. Lawrence, 2008. Merging Breiman-Cutler classification (Random Forest) with an object-oriented approach for analysis of agricultural lands, ISPRS 2008 Proceedings, July 3-11, 2008, Beijing, China.
- Lawrence, R.L. 2007. Improving classification tree analysis for remotely sensed data: Boosting and bagging algorithms, ISRSE 2007 Proceedings, July 25-29, 2007, San Juan, Costa Rica.
- Lawrence, R.L. 2007. Recent developments for improving accuracy of classification tree analysis, AmericaView Fall Technical Meeting, September 19-20, 2007, Fayetteville, Arkansas.
- Savage, S., and R.L. Lawrence. 2007. Yellowstone’s northern range: Mapping rangeland vegetation change, GIS in the Rockies, September 12-14, 2007, Denver, CO.
- Campos, N., and R.L. Lawrence. 2007. The effects of radiometric normalization on CVA, GIS in the Rockies, September 12-14, 2007, Denver, CO.
- Jewett, J., and R.L. Lawrence. 2007. Mapping changes in whitebark pine distribution in the northern Rockies: 1984-2002, GIS in the Rockies, September 12-14, 2007, Denver, CO.
- Watts, J., and R.L. Lawrence. 2007. A comparison of multi-resolution segmentation strategies for the object-oreiented delineation of agricultural fields within moderate-resolution imagery, GIS in the Rockies, September 12-14, 2007, Denver, CO.
- Schulthess, U., D. Weist, R. Lawrence, C. Jones, and N. Christensen. 2007. Protein management of wheat with a SPAD in the sky, ASA-CSSA-SSSA 2007 International Annual Meetings, November 4-8, 2007, New Orleans, LA.
- Landenburger, L, R.L. Lawrence, S. Podruzny, and C. Schwartz. 2006. Mapping whitebark pine distribution in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, ASPRS 2006 Proceedings, May 1-5, 2006, Reno, NV.
- Wood, S., R.L. Lawrence, and S. Sheley. 2006. Mapping invasive plants using hyperspectral imagery, classification trees, and classification thresholds, ASPRS 2006 Proceedings, May 1-5, 2006, Reno, NV.
- Bricklemyer, R.S., R.L. Lawrence, and P.R. Miller, 2004. Analysis of Landsat ETM+ imagery for monitoring management practices that influence soil C sequestration in north central Montana, ASPRS 2004 Proceedings, Denver, CO.
- Lawrence, R.L., and A.W. Parmenter. 2002. Performing supervised classifications with classification and regression tree analysis: a tutorial, ASPRS 2002 Proceedings, April 22-26, 2002, Washington, D.C.
- Driscoll, S., and R.L. Lawrence. 2002. Effects of color balancing of airborne multispectral imagery on invasive plant mapping, ASPRS 2002 Proceedings, April 22-26, 2002, Washington, D.C.
- Bunn, A.G., and R.L. Lawrence. 2002. Comparison of topographic correction algorithms for use with Landsat ETM+ in mountainous landscapes, ASPRS 2002 Proceedings, April 22-26, 2002, Washington, D.C.
- Driscoll, S.G., R.L. Sheley, and R.L. Lawrence. 2001. Detecting and mapping spotted knapweed in rangeland ecosystems using airborne digital imagery. In L. Smith (ed.) The First International Knapweed Symposium of the Twenty-First Century, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, 15-16 March 2001.
- Driscoll, S.G., R.L. Sheley, and R.L. Lawrence. 2001. Spotted knapweed in rangeland ecosystems using multispectral and hyperspectral imagery. In The Society for Range Management 54th Annual Meeting, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, February 17-23, 2001.
- Hansen, A.J., L.J. Graumlich, R.L. Lawrence, S.L. Powell, W. Cohen, and M. Lefsky. 2001. Monitoring forest response to past and future global change in Greater Yellowstone. NASA Land Cover Land Use Change Program Temperate and Boreal Workshop, College Park, Maryland.
- Hansen, A., S. Powell, R. Lawrence, and L. Graumlich. 2001. Spatial patterns of conifer forest expansion in Greater Yellowstone. In Ecological Society of America 2001 Annual Meeting, Madison, Wisconsin, August 5-10, 2001.
- Laguette, S., G. Seielstad, S. Seelan, C. Wivell, D. Olsen, R. Lawrence, G. Nielsen, J. Rattling Leaf, D. Clay, K. Dalstad, L. Welling. 2001. Precision farming management via information dissemination, International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, July 13-21 2001, Sydney, Australia.
- Laguette, S., D. Clay, K. Dalstad, R. Lawrence, J. Rattling Leaf, C. Maynard, C. Reese, S. Seelan, and C. Wivell. 2001. Rapid integration of remote sensing data into in-field management decisions: From acquisition to use of data, ASPRS 2001 Proceedings, April 23-27, 2001, St. Louis, Missouri.
- Laguette, S., G. A. Seielstad, S. Seelan, C. E. Wivell, D. E. Clay, K. Dalstad, C. Reese, G. A. Nielsen, R. L. Lawrence, C. Maynard, and J. Rattling Leaf. 2001. Rapid integration of remote sensed data into in-field management decisions, Third European Conference on Precision Agriculture, June 18-20, 2001, Montpellier, France.
- Powell, S.L., A.J. Hansen, and R.L. Lawrence. 2001. Conifer forest expansion and densification in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem: Detection and quantification over a 15-year time period. Annual meeting of the International Association of Landscape Ecology, Tempe, Arizona.
- Roberts, E.A., R.L. Sheley, and R.L. Lawrence. 2001. Sampling and modeling invasive plant infestations: Techniques for identifying plant distribution in rangeland environments. In L. Smith (ed.) The First International Knapweed Symposium of the Twenty-First Century, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, 15-16 March 2001.
- Roberts, E.A., R.L. Sheley, R.L. Lawrence, and R. Aspinall. 2001. Sampling and modeling invasive plant infestations: Techniques for identifying plant distribution in rangeland environments. In The Society for Range Management 54th Annual Meeting, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, February 17-23, 2001.
- Seielstad, G., S. Laguette, S. Seelan, R. Lawrence, M. Henry, C. Maynard, K. Dalsted, and J. Rattling Leaf. 2001. Remote sensing to address the needs of local communities: Applications of remote sensing to precision agriculture, Proceedings of the American Geophysical Union, Boston, Massachusetts, May 31, 2001.
- Seielstad, G., S. Laguette, S. Seelan, R. Lawrence, G. Nielsen, D. Clay, and K. Dalsted. 2001. Applications of remote sensing to precision agriculture with dual economic and environmental benefits, 8th International Conference on Remote Sensing, SPIE, Toulouse, France.
- Lawrence, R.L., and W.J. Ripple. 2000. Mount St. Helens revegetation since 1980: Use of long-sequence time series following landscape-scale disturbance, ASPRS 2000 Proceedings, May 22-26, 2000, Washington, D.C.
- Patten, D. T., W. Minshall, R. Lawrence, and A. Marcus. 2000. Developing effective ecological indicators for watershed analysis, Proceedings: 2000 STAR Ecosystem Indicators Progress Review Workshop, May 8-10, 2000, Las Vegas, Nevada.
- Hanson, D., R. Lawrence, K. Hansen, and R. Aspinall. 2000. Automated estimate of non-forest green biomass from AVHRR satellite images of Yellowstone, The 14th Annual Meeting of the Society for Conservation Biology, The University of Montana, Missoula, MT, June 9-12, 2000.
- Hanson, D., R. Lawrence, K. Hansen, and R. Aspinall. 2000. Using Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) satellite images to estimate snow cover in Yellowstone National Park, ASPRS 2000 Proceedings, May 22-26, 2000, Washington, D.C.
- Henry, M.P., G.A. Nielsen, R.L. Lawrence, R. Engel, and D.S. Long. 2000. Farm-scale wheat yield estimates using multi-temporal AVHRR-NDVI satellite imagery, ASPRS 2000 Proceedings, May 22-26, 2000, Washington, D.C.
- Hanson, D., R. Lawrence, K. Hansen, and R. Aspinall. 1999. Development of algorithms to use with satellite images to assess annual snow melt and green biomass in Yellowstone National Park, Sixth Yellowstone Interagency Science Conference, Mammoth Hot Springs, Wyoming, September 16-17, 1999.
- Lawrence, R.L., and W.J. Ripple. 1997. Determination of vegetation cover in a highly disturbed, heterogeneous landscape using satellite imagery: Mount St. Helens, Washington, Proceedings of the Pacific Division, American Association for the Advancement of Science, June 22, 1997, Corvallis, Oregon, 16(1):54.
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